
Telehealth is the use of technology, such as computers, mobile devices, apps, and other virtual tech, to deliver health care outcomes outside of traditional health-care facilities. Many doctors, particularly cannabis clinics in Australia, have started to use telehealth to give patients easier access to medicine.

So, what’s the definition of telehealth?

The ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation) defines Telehealth as the ‘use of telecommunication techniques for the purpose of providing telemedicine, medical education, and health education over a distance.’

When we speak about telehealth in the context of the Australian medical cannabis landscape, we are mainly talking about virtual doctors appointments and follow-ups with your doctor.

Telehealth is not as simple as seeing a doctor from the comfort of your own home. It encompasses:

  • Virtual doctors appointments
  • Remote (virtual) home health care
  • Remote patient monitoring
  • Medical education and training
  • And more.

Telehealth is not to be confused with telemedicine, however, they are often used interchangeably.